This Year Passover Begins Saturday, April 12, 2025 before sunset (on Shabbath) and Ends Sunday, April 20th after Nightfall. (This Document contains G-d’s Name, therefore
This Year Passover Begins Saturday, April 12, 2025 before sunset (on Shabbath) and Ends Sunday, April 20th after Nightfall. (This Document contains G-d’s Name, therefore
The Holiday begins at Sunset of Thursday March 13, 2025 and ends at nightfall of March 14th BEFORE Shabbath For more information on the holiday
Growing up in the former Soviet Union under a Communist regime, I had little knowledge about my Jewish heritage. After immigrating to the United States,
My husband and I felt a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as we prepared for a trip to Saudi Arabia. We packed our usual travel
This year the Holiday begins December 25th, 2024, after nightfall and ends on January 2nd, 2025, after nightfall For more information visit: Hanukkah – Chanukah
It was November of 1989, two weeks after our family immigrated to the United States from the former Soviet Union, and we were invited to our
My name is Sofya Tamarkin. My family emigrated from the former Soviet Union in 1989. In my late teenage years I started the ultimate quest for Truth, seeking knowledge of my Jewish heritage.
After many years of searching for meaning and clarity, I have come to appreciate my connection to Judaism and all that it stands for. As I was seeking to bond with my authentic identity, I focused on deeper understanding of the ‘secret’ of Jewish survival during the last 2,000 years of exile. I wondered, what made us so strong and fierce. My people survived unimaginable tragedies, yet we continued to be ‘The Light Upon The Nations”.