A Special Prayer for a Fallen Soldier

I took our Birthright group to Mt. Herzl, Israel’s national cemetery. Little did we know what was awaiting us.  Monday, May 16th, 2016 was a

Mikvah in Tasmania

Of all the miraculous stories that happened in my life, perhaps this one is at the top of the list. This is not because it

Miracle on Bus #4

It was a very hot day in July 1951. I was in Tel­Aviv and too hot to walk. I boarded Dan bus #4 on the

The Purim Miracle

G-d works in wondrous ways. Often, we just have to sit back and watch Him orchestrate His world. What we will see, will strengthen our

The Screaming Woman

One night, during the terrible time of the war, Rabbi Henry and his wife Esther Soille were in their apartment in Paris when they heard a

Giving Life a Chance

Yoav, a young  IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldier was stationed in the city of Chevron. Suddenly, he was shot by an Arab sniper and left for dead.