A Letter to the Family Members of Those Who Returned to a Torah Way of Life
But please consider this: You often boast with pride about Jewish contributions to the world. You take pride in Einstein, Freud, Houdini, and countless others
We are still here…
There was an older man who lived in Brooklyn, New York. Every morning he attended synagogue services and every morning, after leaving shul he would
One Miracle….Two Miracles
This story was shared in confidence to me personally. The author asked that her name should not be used. Yet, the miracle of these events
Tisha B’Av – The Saddest Day of the Year FAST starts on Saturday, August 10, 2019 (8:04 pm NY time) – ends Sunday August 11, 2019 (8:32 NY Time)
For more Information visit: https://www.partnersintorah.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/threeweeks.pdf and https://www.aish.com/h/9av/oal/96779149.html?s=mm In Biblical times, it was on this day that the 12 spies returned with a bad report
This Year – Shavuot begins at Sunset on Saturday, June 8, 2019 right after Shabbath – ends Monday, June 10 after Sunset.
A Very Very Simple Guide for Shavuot Celebration (This Document contains G-d’s Name, therefore it may NOT be thrown out) For More Information Visit: https://www.partnersintorah.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/shavuot.pdf

This Year Passover Begins Friday April 19, 2019 before Sunset and Ends Saturday April 27th after Sunset