The Purim Miracle

G-d works in wondrous ways. Often, we just have to sit back and watch Him orchestrate His world. What we will see, will strengthen our

The Screaming Woman

One night, during the terrible time of the war, Rabbi Henry and his wife Esther Soille were in their apartment in Paris when they heard a

Giving Life a Chance

Yoav, a young  IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldier was stationed in the city of Chevron. Suddenly, he was shot by an Arab sniper and left for dead.

Chanukah of 1775

A difficult winter. Terrible cold. We are sitting in Valley Forge and waiting. Why? I don’t know. Perhaps for better days than these. I am

Baruch Cohen, Esq., attended yeshiva from preschool to high school and spent six years studying in post high school yeshiva, before entering law school on Los Angeles.

The Power of Words

The whole of Jerusalem was in an uproar! A well-known man, a member of the Belzer Chasidic sect, and his wife had just given birth to