Performance of a Lifetime

My name is Mildred Hondorf. I am a music teacher from Des Moines, Iowa. I’ve given piano lessons for over 30 years. I’ve never had

Revelation at West Point

In 1974, Rabbi Asher Wade, a US Army chaplain, befriended a Jewish American officer named Stuart. Stuart did not strike him as being a religious

Pork that Wakes the Soul

Joe was a very successful Israeli. A son of holocaust survivors, he rose from a childhood of poverty, and by the mid 1980s, built up

Another Chance

Until a few years ago, I didn’t take anything very seriously. I had graduated from jewish high school and didn’t want to go to college right

The Power of Expression

“God blew into his nostrils a breath of life, and the person became a living spirit.” (Genesis 2:7)  This is the point of the arrival of


Occasionally, one memory escapes from the vault that holds the terror of those years. One Passover, my three-year old grandchild looked up at me from