Occasionally, one memory escapes from the vault that holds the terror of those years. One Passover, my three-year old grandchild looked up at me from

The Black Couches

It was an exciting time for our family. We were moving out from a tiny apartment to a new home. I was pleased to think

Born to Save a Life

Yoav, a young IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldier was stationed in the city of Chevron. Suddenly, he was shot by an Arab sniper and left

Paper Airplane

A  young man from Long Island once approached a Rabbi to ask that a memorial prayer, called kaddish be recited for his recently departed father. Kaddish is recited every day for


A Hanukkah Menorah

Private Stephen Winneger was on patrol one night during WWII when he saw a figure running through a field. He shouted, “Halt or I’ll shoot.” The figure

A Hanukkah Menorah

Private Stephen Winneger was on patrol one night during WWII when he saw a figure running through a field. He shouted, “Halt or I’ll shoot.” The figure